
职业准备 为学生


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A number of special programs are often available at your local school. Or you may choose to participate in a regional or countywide program. 申请和录取程序因项目而异. See the categories below to determine whether your program of choice has a regional or application requirement.


名额有限的竞争性项目, requiring students to complete an application and meet specific admissions criteria. This may include a written application or the submitting a portfolio. 有些项目接受全国范围的申请, while others accept applications from designated regions of the county.


Students may choose one of several schools in a specific geographic area, each offering specialty courses related to a particular theme or career area. 学生必须提交一份表格,说明他们的学校偏好. 虽然大多数人都得到了他们的第一选择,但这并不能保证.

The 中学 Magnet Consortium (MSMC) accepts choice applications from students throughout the entire county. Students who live within the MSMC boundary area are guaranteed a seat at one of the three magnet middle schools.


Each MCPS school offers a comprehensive program of instruction to challenge and meet the needs of all students. Some schools also offer special programs 为学生 attending the school. They are called "local school" programs and are available only to students assigned to the local school.

联系你当地的学校了解详情或查看你的 学校的网站.


Available by application to students in a particular geographic region of the county. 详情请联系个别学校.


A lottery may be held to determine admission to a foreign language immersion program if requests exceed available program capacity for kindergarten or Grade 1 students. Admission for all other grades is determined by language proficiency and available space. 联系各个学校了解他们的浸入式课程.

有关特别节目的更多信息,请下载 Options Adobe PDF图标方块这是一个全国性项目的指南.



High School
