


American University Discover The World Of Communication
这个暑期项目为9-12年级的高中生提供了通过“发现交流世界”项目探索交流领域的机会. 学生 can choose from over 35 hands-on experiential classes including photography, 动画, 电影制作, 短篇小说写作, 公众演讲, 国际交流, documentary filmmaking and weather broadcasting.

George Washington University Pre-大学 Program
大学预科课程提供两种暑期机会:大学强化课程和暑期浸入式课程. 大学强化课程为即将升学的大三学生和大四学生提供通过本科水平课程获得大学学分的机会, 获取大学资源, and preview an authentic college experience. The Summer Immersion is a program offers rising sophomores, 大三和大四学生有机会通过严格的非学分课程,将学术经验与现实世界的活动联系起来,扩展和深化他们对一个主题的知识.

Georgetown University’s Summer High 学校 Programs
Offers an engaging hands-on experience and an opportunity to earn college credit.

A free​ ​7-week introductory computer science ​program ​for​ ​rising junior or senior girls.

The museum offers week long interactive camps that integrate science, 技术, 工程, art and math for elementary and middle school students.

At MLW's week-long residential leadership 研讨会, students experience creative and interactive 研讨会, 实践领导机会, and personal coaching; immersing themselves in all aspects of leadership.

Maryland Summer Centers For Gifted And Talented 学生
马里兰暑期中心招收有天赋的学生进入2-12年级,在全州许多地方参加独特的暑期课程. 这些为期一到两周的住宿和非住宿课程的学费各不相同,重点是艺术, 科学, 数学, 技术, 工程, 历史, 法律与政府, 还有创意写作.

MICA Pre-大学 Art and Design Residency Program

Summer courses that offer a variety of fun, 教育, 并在蒙哥马利学院的三个校区为K-12年级的学生提供丰富的学习活动.

Montgomery County Recreation Volunteer Opportunities


NIH High 学校 Scientific 培训 and Enrichment Program (HISTEP)
为对STEM领域感兴趣的高三学生提供为期7周的全日制暑期实习. HISPTEP 2.0,高中毕业生, is a program in biomedical research for students with little to no research experience. 学生 accepted to either program will receive transportation benefits and a stipend

Smithsonian Summer 营 Youth Teaching Assistants (YTA)
Smithsonian Summer 营s offer highly motivated teenagers, 15岁及以上, to assist with Summer 营 as Youth Teaching Assistants (YTA). Sessions are held Monday-Friday on the National Mall in the S. 狄龙·里普利中心. 学生 can earn 学生服务学习 hours.

这是一个为期一周的住宿项目,面向有意将工程作为大学专业和职业的高中女生. 即将升学的大三学生和大四学生将通过实践活动增加他们的工程学科知识, 实验室的实验, 研讨会, 团队挑战, and seminars with professional engineers.

马里兰大学.P.I.C.E. 营
学生 with Potential and Interest Considering Engineering (S.P.I.C.E.)是一个为期一周的通勤项目,面向想要更多地了解工程专业的大二和大三女生, 机会, 和职业.

University of Maryland Jump Start Program
一个为期一周的科学浸入式课程,面向正在探索科学职业的初三和大四学生. 学生 participate in lab investigations, seminars and 研讨会 and learn the tools of modern life 科学 research.


University of Maryland Women in Engineering Programs

White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics Internship Program


Adventures Cross Country Summer Programs (AARC)

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) Summer Program Abroad
A variety of summer study abroad programs for high school graduates. 奖学金 and financial aid is available.

Berklee 大学 of Music Summer Programs
Programs for middle and high school students in music performance, 剧院, 跳舞, 音乐制作, 写歌, 歌剧和音乐业务. 奖学金 available to select programs.

波士顿大学美术学院为初高中学生提供两到六周的夏季音乐培训课程,学习所有管弦乐乐器, 的声音, 钢琴, 和组成. Program is affiliated with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Tanglewood Music Center. Merit and financial aid scholarships are available.

为40多个国家的初中生和高中生提供教育和技能培养机会. Programs combine traditional learning with field experiences and community service.

自我认同为犹太人并被奖学金录取的即将升学的高年级学生可以参加正式和非正式的教育机会,这些机会在学年期间可能无法探索. The program includes a 5-week all expenses paid trip to Israel. 奖学金是根据成绩颁发的.

具有挑战性的项目,为那些想要体验常春藤联盟校园生活的各个方面的上进心的初中生或高中生. Prospective students must apply for admission.

A summer language and immersion program in 15 languages for every level of ability. Language is taught in an culturally authentic setting through real conversations. 提供奖学金机会.

这是一个为期一周的寄宿项目,面向在数学和科学方面表现优异、想要学习更多工程学知识的高中女生. 学生的平均成绩必须不低于3分.0. 少数族裔即将升学的高年级学生和/或符合特定学术要求的第一代大学生将自动被视为全额学费减免. Financial assistance for tuition and/or travel is available based on demonstrated need.

Summer abroad programs for high school students in one of 33 programs throughout 27 countries. Program themes include a variety of interests, including sustainability and the environment, 艺术与社会变革, 语言和文化发现, 领导力培训, 与和平, 政治与人权.

在一个多元化的社区中进行为期5周的学术研究、体育和个人探索项目. 高中项目对10-12年级的学生开放,Access Exeter项目对8-9年级的学生开放.

GenCyber@NU-Cyber安全 & 网络防御营
Programs in information security and digital forensics for rising juniors and seniors. 学生将学习、探索、实验和应用法医学和密码学的基本概念. 为期一周的课程费用, 包括学费, 食宿, 以及往返校园的本地通勤, are covered by a grant from the NSA and NSF.

A community service and adventure summer program focusing on humanitarian service projects. Through meaningful and culturally rich hands-on learning experiences, students help to transform the under-resourced communities and environments they are visiting.

在普林斯顿大学进行的为期10天的文化交流项目,美国大二和大三的学生与日本同龄学生进行跨文化的学术和社会活动. Scholarship awards pay for room, board and activities.

约翰逊 & 威尔士大学职业探索
为期三天的暑期课程,为初中生和高年级学生探索烹饪艺术领域的各种职业, 烘焙 & 糕点艺术,或酒店.

为15-18岁的学生提供各种为期2 - 4周的志愿者项目,在国外社区提供实践和观察服务工作.

SACI – Studio Arts 大学 International Gap Year Study Abroad
该计划为高中毕业生提供了在佛罗伦萨度过一个夏季学期或更长时间的机会, 意大利 building a portfolio for admittance to art schools, 文理学院, 或大学. 可申请奖学金.

为14-18岁正在考虑艺术学校或从事艺术职业的学生提供的动手强化夏季艺术课程. Small classes and with multiple instructors. 可申请奖学金.

SPI High 学校 Immersion Study Abroad Programs
Five programs providing authentic cultural immersion, leadership and volunteer service experiences abroad in Spain, 哥斯达黎加, 法国, 意大利, 和中国.

A residential program for gifted and talented students, 年龄上行线, 提供具有挑战性的多元课程, 在全国各著名学院和大学开设艺术和娱乐课程. SIG also offers an eight-week online program for gifted and talented students ages 7-12.

为14-18岁的高中生提供在美国社区从事服务工作的机会.S. 和国外. 每个项目都侧重于有意义的服务项目、文化沉浸和冒险探索.